Highly customised program, high attention to detail
The beauty of training one to one is the personalisation, when all movements are selected specifically for YOUR body, YOUR condition and YOUR health & fitness goals. The difference in training one to one with ‘me‘ is the perfectionist’s attention to detail.
If something’s not working, doesn’t feel nor look right, we change it up.
If something IS working, your body starts moving better, with greater ease, we change it up.

Judith has terrible knees. The left has been replaced but with poor results, the right has long since been flagged for replacement. Judith chooses exercise & movement for the management of her knee pain & dysfunction.
Some days she comes in feeling and moving great, some days her pain is severe and her mobility limited. We start each session with exercises that match her mobility and comfort levels and usually advance the volume and challenge of movement throughout the session as her mobility increases.
Judith is my mum and I’m so incredibly proud of the hard work, perseverance and determination she applies towards her physical health.
As I often say, for any exercise/movement to be beneficial it needs to be chosen & loaded appropriately:
- if an exercise is too heavy/difficult= compensation= perpetuation of pain/dysfunction
- if a movement is too easy/light= no/slow progress= perpetuation of pain/dysfunction
It is for this reason I often change the ‘type’, as well as the load of an exercise within a single training session and have found this the key to minimising pain with exercise and yielding great results.
Consider the two movements pictured below, they’re similar but also very different:

Poor overhead position is a significant contributor to shoulder and neck pain. It’s not easy to maintain good biomechanical alignment with your arms above your head! Most aren’t able, many avoid it altogether and some recognise their limitations and keep it light, but there is another way. By altering the base of support (what you do with your legs) and the action to overhead (how you move your arms) the overhead motion can continue to be challenged, with less risk to injury and without boredom from repetition of the same, lightly loaded movement.
In other words, rehabilitative training doesn’t have to mean lightly loaded, boring exercises on repeat. Hooray!
Tracey is available for one-to-one ‘movement’ consultations. She highly recommends undertaking a Super Session prior to commencing any movement & strength training.
Movement packages are available: 10x 50min session + 1x Super Session= $1050.
Book a consultation with Tracey below to see if ‘movement’ might be the right fit for you.